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dc.contributor.authorCastleberry, Josephen
dc.descriptionPresident Castleberry continues our sermon series "Sermon on the Mount" Jesus' teaching and ministry was so radical that some people thought that He came to get rid of the law or prophets. Jesus corrects that misunderstanding, calling His followers then and now to hold a high view of the Scripture that leads to doing and teaching the Scripture. but Jesus' followers are not to merely keep and observe the Scripture like the scribes and Pharisees, they are to be a transformed people, loving and obeying the Scripture from the heart. This is a whole new way to be human. -- Description from NU Podcasten
dc.descriptionBeing a follower of Jesus means becoming like Jesus and doing what He did, and this requires teaching. So, one day Jesus sat down on a mountain side, opened His mouth, and taught His followers what it means to be a part of God's people. Jesus' sermon on that mount taught more than bad behaviors that need change but a radical, new way of living, a new way to be human. -- Description from NU Podcasten
dc.format.extent36 minutesen
dc.publisherNorthwest Universityen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSermon on the Mounten
dc.rightsThis original work is protected by copyright. Copyright is retained by the author(s). Access is restricted to NU faculty, staff, and students, but may be granted for personal use upon written request. Works may not be reproduced or distributed without author(s) permission.en
dc.titleJoseph Castleberry Sermon, October 26, 2018en

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