
NU Archives provides online access to materials created by, for, and about Northwest University. The NU Archives are highly respectful of intellectual property rights and make every effort to ensure that we have appropriate rights to provide online access to our digital collections. Every effort is made to assess the copyright status of all materials and to ensure that the Archives’ use is in full compliance with U.S. copyright law.

For guidance on use of materials from NU Archives in accordance with copyright laws including Fair Use, the following resources may be consulted:

NU Fair Use Checklist

U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index

MIT Libraries - Copyright FAQ

Cornell University Library - Copyright Information Center

Access to NU Archives Content

NU Archives makes many materials available to the public but restricts access to some materials, in accordance with copyright and privacy laws. Most materials fall under one of three levels of access.

Open Access

We either own the copyright or have permission from the rights holder to archive a copy for personal use. Works in this category are posted and available for use within copyright law.

This original work is protected by copyright. Copyright is retained by the author(s). Works may be viewed, downloaded, or printed, but not reproduced or distributed without author(s) permission.

Fair Use

Copyrighted material with no explicit permission to reproduce. Bibliographic information may or may not be visible. We are relying on fair use rules to provide the material. Available for on-campus use. Off campus use can be requested, and may be granted for individual use within fair use guidelines.

This original work is protected by copyright. Copyright is retained by the author(s). Access is restricted to NU faculty, staff, and students, but may be granted for personal use upon written request. Works may not be reproduced or distributed without author(s) permission.


Restricted due to confidential content.

This original work is protected by copyright. Copyright is retained by the author(s). Access is restricted to authorized personnel. Works may not be reproduced or distributed without author(s) permission and may be subject to FERPA and other privacy laws, policies, and regulations.

How to Notify Us About Copyright Concerns

If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material available in NU Archives without your permission, and believe our inclusion of this material violates your rights (e.g. inclusion is not covered by Fair Use or another exemption to a copyright holder’s rights), please contact

When contacting us, the more information you can supply, the more responsive we can be. It is particularly helpful if you include the following:

  • Your contact information (including email address, postal address, and phone),
  • Exact URL where you found the material,
  • Details that describe the material (title, collection name, number of items, etc.),
  • The reason why you believe that your rights have been violated, with any pertinent documentation,
  • A statement that you in good faith believe that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law, and
  • A statement that the information in your notification is accurate and that you are the rights holder or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner.

Portions of this page are used under a Creative Commons License from MIT. Original content can be found at