Pentecostal Collection: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 398
Assemblies of God of Southern Idaho
Artcraft Press, 1993
6.25 x 9.25 inches -
The Spirit Helps Us Pray: A Biblical Theology of Prayer
Gospel Publishing House, 1993
459 pages -
A Church With a Promise
Gospel Publishing House, 1990
62 Pages -
A Brief Biography: Frank and Lois Lindblade
15 pages -
Facing Loneliness
Discovery House Publishers, 1990
178 pages -
The Civil War Within
Calvary Fellowship, 1989
108 pages -
Gifts for the Marketplace
Christian Publishing Services, Inc., 1989
228 pages -
The Deliverance Ministry
Horizon House Publishers, 1988
5.5 x 8.375 inches -
Priority One: What God Wants
Promise Publishing Co., 1988
5.31 x 8.31 inches -
The Sin Question
Apostolic Faith Church, 1987
17 pages -
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost
Apostolic Faith Church, 1987
18 pages -
The Sanctity of Marriage
Apostolic Faith Church, 1987
10 pages -
Making Peace With Your Inner Child
Fleming H. Revell Company, 1987
194 pages -
The Holy Spirit in the Scriptures and the Church
Western Penecostal Bible College, 1987
115 pages -
The New Testament Church in Today's World
Paul Trulin Ministries Inc., 1987
218 pages -
The Healer-Prophet, William Marrion Branham
Mercer University Press, 1987
186 pages -
One Witness
Chosen Books, 1986
160 pages -
Adventures in Studying Doctrine
Apostolic Faith Church, 1985
12 pages -
You Can be a Prayer Counselor
Aglow Publications, 1985
23 pages -
How to Pray for the Release of the Holy Spirit
Bridge Publishing Inc., 1985
119 pages