Browsing NU Harvest Journal by Title
Now showing items 2-21 of 44
Claude McKay: A Literary Revolutionary
Northwest University, December 1, 2020
1 page -
Deepest Dreams: Poems Exploring the Depths of Nature, History, and Faith
Northwest University, December 2, 2020
3 pages -
Do the Benefits of Police Body Cameras Outweigh Their Harm?: A Review of the Literature
Northwest University, December 4, 2018
1 pageThis paper points out the benefits of the use of body cameras in police departments. The personal, hands-on experience of police officers will be addressed with statistics supporting the evidence. The harms of body cameras ... -
East is Up: An Analysis of Twenty One Pilots’ Use of Movement and Cardinal Directions
Northwest University, December 1, 2020
3 pages -
Ecotourism in Kenya
Northwest University, December 1, 2020
1 page -
Effects of Romantic Kissing on Love and Marital Satisfaction
Northwest University, December 12, 2016
2 pages -
An Exposition on Romans 4:13-25: The Example of Abraham
Northwest University, December 12, 2016
1 pageRomans 4 has been variously interpreted throughout Christian history. The tension present between Luther’s perspective on Paul’s relationship with Mosaic Law and the conclusions drawn by scholars of the New Perspective on ... -
Forgotten Children: A Plan to Combat the Global Health Disparity of Street Children in Ethiopia
Northwest University, December 12, 2016
1 pageIt is estimated that there are more than 100 million street children globally (Kanth & Harris, 2016). This disparity between children raised in stable homes and those forced to survive in often hostile conditions greatly ... -
"Fra Lippo Lippi": A Defense for Art and Material Reality
Northwest University, December 1, 2020
1 page -
Free Will or Sovereignty: Conflicting Views on Eternal Security
Northwest University, December 12, 2016
2 pagesThe purpose of this paper is to tease out the issues associated with the debate on eternal security, linking the viewpoints to corresponding understandings of human free moral agency and the sovereignty of God. This paper ... -
From Protest to Solution: A New Anthem for NFL Players
Northwest University, December 3, 2018
1 page -
Gatsby's Foil: Analyzing a Parallel Relationship
Northwest University, December 2, 2018
1 page -
A Hairrowing Tale
Northwest University, December 1, 2020
1 page -
Harvest 2016 Edition
Northwest University, Fall 2016
1 page -
Harvest 2018 Edition
Northwest University, December 2018
1 page -
Harvest 2020 Edition
Northwest University, December 2020
1 page -
A History, A Society: A Poem
Northwest University, December 9, 2020
1 page -
The Journey from Bill to Law: What Aspects of an Environmental Policy Bill Help it Pass?
Northwest University, December 13, 2016
1 pageWhy do certain bills pass into law while others do not? This paper attempts to determine the differences between those bills that pass and become a law like the Endangered Species Act (1973); and bills that do not make it ... -
Just Civil Disobedience: Building a Framework for Non-Violent Civil Disobedience
Northwest University, December 4, 2018
1 pageThe most drastic difference between theories on just war and civil disobedience is that the latter holds no commonly accepted framework. Well-developed in historical and contemporary scholarship, the principles of just war ... -
Life as I Knew It: A Memoir with a Critical Introduction
Northwest University, December 12, 2016
3 pagesThe canon of literature written by and for the survivors of child sexual abuse is (understandably) densely populated by studies on the victims themselves. There exists, however, a gap in the literature regarding siblings ...